Some native plants get aggressive (and that's a good thing)
Thumbnail Image: We’ve had a bit of rain this year, and most plants are acting like giddy teenagers after a six-pack of energy drinks. That includes native plants. Who’d have thought a native plant...
View Article25 Late-Blooming Native Plants for Birds, Bees, Butterflies
Thumbnail Image: It's easy to dream of flowers in early spring and summer. But before you put the shovel away, let's not forget that bees, butterflies, moths, and other pollinators need pollen and...
View ArticleRethinking Leaves
Thumbnail Image: Have you turned a new leaf when it comes to land care? Many people have. For instance, we plant for pollinators, choose native plants, reduce lawn sizes, and use electric equipment...
View ArticleRoots Get an Image Makeover
Thumbnail Image: Roots may lack charisma, but the hidden half of the plant world is getting new attention. Roots are natural carbon-hoarders--and carbon is a hot commodity these days. That’s a...
View ArticleMeadow Tour 2019
"Thank you all SO much for this wonderful event. I enjoyed it and learned so much. I started the day wearily and filled up with such energy by 3 o’clock. It was so much good experience all around."...
View ArticleCompost for the Holidays? Easier Than You Think.
Thumbnail Image: Forgive me, please, if it seems quirky to suggest that bright, merry, and yummy seasonal items are candidates for the compost bin, pile, bag, or tumbler. My grandmother was a...
View ArticleBook review: “Eat Like a Fish"
Thumbnail Image: Long Island Sound fed Native Americans for millennia before settlers arrived, and it feeds us today. Unfortunately, today’s fish and shellfish harvests are minnow-sized compared to...
View ArticleReduce, Reuse, Recycle When Starting Seeds
Thumbnail Image: Our New England growing season is only six months long, but the plastic pots, trays and liners that hold our short-lived plants may last for decades. If you would like to change the...
View ArticleFor better tick control, begin with nature
Thumbnail Image: Question: What animals below prey on tick-carrying white-footed mice and other tick-carriers?A. Owls, hawks, and other birds of preyB. Foxes, bobcats, fishersC. snakesD. opossumsE. all...
View ArticleBirds, Butterflies, Toads, Turtles: Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Thumbnail Image: Many of us remember chasing fireflies on summer nights as children. In our family, it was a Fourth of July ritual. Others wistfully recall listening to hoot-owls, and finding frogs,...
View Article12 Native Flowers, Easy from Seed
Thumbnail Image: I vividly recall watching my first marigolds and zinnias sprout, grow, and flower once upon a long-ago summer. As summers came along, I had further easy victories with cosmos, poppies,...
View ArticleBook Review: "Wilding" by Isabella Tree
Thumbnail Image: A British couple take their land out of conventional agriculture and, partly through necessity, change course towards the little-known and little-understood practice of "rewilding"...
View ArticleDoes it all depend on a little green caterpillar?
Thumbnail Image: Some writers have a way of saying things that helps me "get it" the first time. One of those writers is Douglas Tallamy, the University of Delaware professor, entomologist, and...
View ArticleWhere did all the fireflies go?
Thumbnail Image: Fireflies, a.k.a. lightning bugs, were a big event at Fourth of July picnics during my western Pennsylvania childhood. Our pack of cousins and siblings ran and yelped through the...
View ArticlePlant Blindness, a Mower, and One Unfortunate Afternoon
Thumbnail Image: After almost three years of planning and planting, the meadow was coming into its own. The grasses were finally tall and healthy. Flowering plants lit up the field. As a finishing...
View ArticleGetting Into the Weeds With Invasive Plant Management
Thumbnail Image: They were innocent-looking seedlings in June, but by the end of August, most weeds are like toddlers on a tantrum—you can't ignore them. Japanese stiltgrass, mugwort, and more all seem...
View ArticlePutting Invasive Knotweed On a Starvation Diet
Thumbnail Image: Suzanne Thompson didn’t wake up on the first day of 2020 thinking about Japanese knotweed. But, after all, it is 2020—and stranger things have happened than the turn Thompson took in...
View Article"Breaking down challenging processes into practical steps"
"We have been lucky to twice host Kathy for presentations of her intensive program, Grow a Meadow, Large or Small. This workshop is comprehensive and insightful about the complex but incredibly...
View Article10 Trends and Ideas in Landscapes and Land Care
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - 11:00am to 12:00pm Professional landscapers work on lots of different properties, with different conditions and different plants. Garden center owners meet the public...
View ArticleA Night at the Nature Movies
Thumbnail Image: In search of a good documentary? I recently reviewed four that I consider well worth the time of anyone interested in nature and ecology. Here are short summaries, but please see the...
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